Buffalos on hot girls

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

Moderators: Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone, HighHeelFetish.org

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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Sorry, no, hopefully we'll some of them resurface. There was this german forum called bootwankers or something, that had a lot of the older ones, but that forum went down I think.
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by speedie »

yes, it was on Bootwankers as well, and yes, Bootwankers is gone :(
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by marcochav »

ragnaroslarsen wrote: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:43 pm Girl fucked in black buffs:

http://www.tnaflix.com/hardcore-porn/Ba ... ideo284524

Another one from that german redhead, apparently she is called Gabriela Jung:

http://www.xhamster.com/movies/2088368/ ... cameo.html
Looks like she did most of her 'artistic' work under the name Cati Crown. Most of them wearing Buffalos. There's a list here
http://www.iafd.com/person.rme/perfid=g ... -crown.htm
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by sneaker-0495 »

Buffalo’s are hot again. So keep Your eyes open 🤗
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by omgO.o »

Very nice stuff in here !
Really enjoy seeing so many Buffalos in the streets nowadays :D
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by speedie »

Any new ones?
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by marcochav »

Here is a new one from our favourite starlet. Starts at 48:50. It also stars the real Gabriela Jung with which she is often falsely attributed (They also appear in different scenes in Verbotene Liebe, but without Buffalos)
http://www.xvideos.com/video14297401/fa ... _2004_.xxx

And at the farm, if not a repeat:

Here she is again (scene 3), but she takes off the shoes after the BJ. However scene 2 has a girl (Gina) in Buffalos throughout.Unfortunately not a free version, unless someone can help
https://www.hotmovies.com/video/97558/A ... Pit-Stop-/

Here she is again in a pair of fakes at the love parade. The original of this dvd had a scene at the end in a park at sunset, with a gag bang and a girl in Buffalo, but not here.
https://en.paradisehill.cc/sex_parade_2 ... favorites/

I am also missing a video where she does an outdoor session in Berlin with a couple of guys. First on a public path by a river and then on the terrace of a bar, where they even order and get served beer while in the act. Was originally called Reality.

Finally, to be ignored by the faint hearted. A couple of gross videos involving urine with our starlet again. I posted them in the appropriate topic for such stuff:
https://www.shoesession.com/forum/viewt ... 11&t=74101
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by marcochav »

Also from the same series as
https://en.paradisehill.cc/strassenflirts_28/ (posted previously) and
https://xhamster.com/videos/die-freche- ... te-4292901 (which shows our starlet)
comes a new one. Unfortunately she also takes off her shoes before it gets going, but that part is quite hot. But for me the girl and boots (not Buffalo :( )starting towards the middle of part 3 is hotter.
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by marcochav »

A higher quality version from the previously posted girl in series 14 is here (at the end of part 3):

The other girl is in series 28 (posted above) and our starlet is in series 23 (posted above). From the time line there are sure to be more up to at least series 30, if anyone has the time, broadband, or sperm, to help.
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