riding boots

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riding boots

Post by dior99 »

Here is a few pics of gf patent riding boots,
Let me know what you think of them
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Re: riding boots

Post by Recardo »

those need blasted
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Re: riding boots

Post by avob »

Superb riding boots, ready to ride...!
The shiny and the spurs give them a great allure.
Do your gf has a crop to order you?
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Re: riding boots

Post by aldonis »

Very great and sexy boots! Cum, cum,cum....
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Re: riding boots

Post by dior99 »

My gf does have a crop but she don't need it
To order you around if crops out then i know my week is hell
I think they have only seen one load in there life might have to change that this week :D
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Re: riding boots

Post by dior99 »

Here is a few more pics of gf riding boots
Let me know what you think, or would you give them a load
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Re: riding boots

Post by Tomboots »

Yes boots must look like then you go with the neighbor more please
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Re: riding boots

Post by aldonis »

Thanks dior99! I'm sure that your pleasure has been very strong when you came on these beautys. Lucky man!!!
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Re: riding boots

Post by groom »

Mm lovely! I just adore riding boots and how they make me submit only at their sight if someone wears them... Is she really wearing them for horse riding, or more as a fashion statement? Hope she makes you suffer a lot with them! Could you PLEASE also post some pictures of the soles?
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Re: riding boots

Post by Plowboy535 »

they are great i hope we get to see more of them
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