Buffalos on hot girls

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by WL1987 »

I love this post! I've been turned on by girls wearing those big chunky soled sneakers since the Spice Girls!
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by Hasse-91 »

I love Buffalos! My sister got a pair in pink :)
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by WL1987 »

Hasse-91 wrote:I love Buffalos! My sister got a pair in pink :)
Post some pics please!
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by radiomasten »

Yes!! Buffalos are sooo sexy!!
Anyone got pictures of girls in Buffalos getting cock at the same time??
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

radiomasten wrote:Yes!! Buffalos are sooo sexy!!
Anyone got pictures of girls in Buffalos getting cock at the same time??

They turn up here and there. I guess it's more likely to find them in european porn movies from around the year 2000, when these were common. I hope people that like these will update this thread if they know of some.

I guess these are fake, but still kinda hot:

http://www.nudereviews.com/blog/2012/01 ... -like-pro/

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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Last edited by ragnaroslarsen on Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by Hasse-91 »

WL1987 wrote:
Hasse-91 wrote:I love Buffalos! My sister got a pair in pink :)
Post some pics please!
Gonna ask her if i could take som pics of them.
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by taconesconcrema »

These are my old buffalos here in Chile there are no known so i can use them quietly in the street and nobody bothers , are very pleasant to use in winter , feet toasty :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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