A place to share your street shots, candid shoe pictures, candid shoe videos, candid boot pictures. And also to discuss and share any interesting shoe and boot related material found in mainstream media. Bored at work? Show us your sexy co-workers' shoes! Stuck at the airport? Waiting for the bus? The perfect time to entertain yourself and us!

Moderators: Only Pumps, Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone, HighHeelFetish.org

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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by bri71285 »

Dude very nice! You have got to get your hands on her heels, because you only live once so fuck it. Ive got a few ideas for you to make this happen, and it works believe me! You just got to have some balls and do it. First: Ask her if she has any older worn shoes high heels of yours that she could donate, say you have a friend or a family member that volunteers in a donating center for women and that her shoes will go to good use helping women who are in need, and dont forget to mention that prom season is here and that her shoes will go to girls who cant afford nice shoes :) My second advice for you is to ask her straight out if you could borrow her shoes to take pics off. Just say you take pictures for a hobby of yours and you have a great idea and need to borrow shoes from a women with great taste in footwear, believe me she will be flattered by those comments and she will let you borrow them! Just besure to take some pics, im sure you are a smart dude and can come up with some ideas and be sure to show it to her when you are done. When you do gwt her shoes, be sure to cum in them and do not clean them up, let the air try it out! Im telling this will work, it has for me plenty of times. If I where you id try the donating way, chicks love to help out other women! Good luck and let us know. Remeber you only live once so fuck it, have fun!
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by bri71285 »

O and btw, if she is a little uncertain about the donating thing be sure to let her know that there is/might be a cash reward for her taking her time and donating her shoes. Chicks love $$, and since she has a great collection of shoes she will def donate you some! The amount you would be willing to pay is totally you call. This shit works man believe me! Do you live in the new england area usa??
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by crpa1971 »

Last edited by crpa1971 on Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by bri71285 »

Im telling you man give it a shot. You will thank me when she hands you some of her sexy shoes! Its ok to be nervous, and since you know her a little bit thats a plus. And dont worry about her knowing you like her footwear, thats a big plus and will work in your favor. Go with the donating scheme, im telling you she will buy it, it has worked for me so many times with married woman of all ages and single woman of all ages! Go for ittttt!
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by crpa1971 »

Last edited by crpa1971 on Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by crpa1971 »

Last edited by crpa1971 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by fiddlesticks889 »

you shouldnt have just said shoes, you should have said clothes and shoes!
how did she react to it? it will probably work anyway just she might think its a bit weird.
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by crpa1971 »

Last edited by crpa1971 on Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by bri71285 »

I have a good feeling that you are going to get your hands on some of her shoes, we will see
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Re: Red-Headed Assistant Manager of my Apartment Complex

Post by jbtx5 »

This thread is amazing. She is absolutely stunning. I would love to get into her collection of heels. I hope you get your own way with them soon. Keep up the good work!
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