down on the farm

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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down on the farm

Post by owlman »

Autumn was here again and with it more bloody aggravation, as per usual we had the crowds of kids in the fields, listening to music on their phones and drinking alcohol. Now this in itself wasnt a problem, however occasionally we got the odd one or two who'd wander around and end up somewhere they shouldnt be. As usual, once this happened I'd get it in the neck from the boss, why wasnt I doing something about it?
It was a complex situation, he didnt want them going where they shouldnt be, but at the same time he did tend to object to me telling them off, 'they might burn down a hay bale' or 'they might damage vehicles' was something i'd grown tired of hearing.
On this particular afternoon we'd received a call from one of our neighbours, 'did we know there was a gang of kids in the top field' we didnt, so I was sent to sort it, as usual.
I drove into the field in my pick up truck and as i went in a group of youths ran out through the hedge, undaunted i carried on and soon enough i came upon a lone female merrily wandering along a muddy tractor rut. I got out of the truck and walked towards her, she had earphones in and was completely unaware of my presence, she almost fell into the mud when she became aware of my being there. I asked her name and her age, apparently her name was Abigail and she had just turned 16, and lived on the new estate across the way.
She told me that she'd been there with a group of friends, listening to music and drinking cans of cheap cider, which explained why she was well to put it bluntly a little bit pissed. I looked down at her expensive Nike trainers they had thick mud up the sides from where she'd been walking along the edge of the rut, I wondered how her parents would react when she went home like that, or maybe they had so much money they didnt care, she was out of their way and not annoying the neighbours, the fact they had a habit of leaving cans and bottles in the crop didnt seem to bother them, it did on the other hand seem to cause a lot of trouble to our combines when harvest time came.
It was at this point i remembered that a couple of weeks ago i'd noticed a large collection of cans and bottles at the bottom of the field, well she could clean them up. I led her over to my truck, opened the tailgate and took out my wellies and a rubbish sack, I changed into the welllies and handed her the sack and we headed off across the muddiest part of the field.
I took great delight in seeing her squelching through the mud in her posh trainers, at one point it was over the top and i knew it would be seeping its way inside, explain that when you get home. We got to the area and i instructed her to collect all the bottles and cans in the sack and take them back to my truck, on the way back we were walking alongside a deep rut that was full of water and as she was on the side nearest to it I accidentally slipped, causing her to go into it with both feet, oh dear her poor trainers!
Squelching along back to the truck she was clearly not happy, then we came to a couple of cans floating in some thick pale brown mud that looked for all the world like sewerage, I told her to retrieve the cans and put them in the bag, she loked horrified at this and seemed convinced it was indeed sewage, I however knew it wasnt, but I said nothing.she looked down at her trainers and for a few seconds I thought she was actually going to remove them before wading in, however she didnt and the look on her face as her feet sank in the mud was a picture.
Job done we headed back to my truck and one there she looked at her trainers and then at a big puddle of rainwater, she walked into it in an attempt to clean her trainers, it didnt work. I decided to take pity on her and told her to sit on the tailboard and take her trainers off, I then took a large container of clean water from the truck and roughly washed most of the mess off them, they were still filthy but at least they werent caked in it, i only hoped she'd learned a lesson, stay out of our field!
I could only hope, but if nothing else I was kind of hoping that her parents would take her to task over the state of her expensive trainers, well I could hope couldnt I
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Re: down on the farm

Post by heyheyhey55555 »

Nice story, nice to see more with sneakers
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down on the farm continued

Post by owlman »

About a week later, after several days of heavy rain the weather improved, it was warm and sunny and wouldnt you believe it I got another call, kids in the field again. Once again I headed over in my pick-up to remove them from the field and on arrival I realized that amongst the group was the same girl I had dealt with previously.
This time to my suprise nobody attempted to run away as I arrived, well this wasnt a good sign, clearly they'd not taken me seriously on the previous occasion! jumping out of my truck I went to the rear and swapped my workboots for my wellingtons before making my way over to where the group was gathered, none of them seemed to notice my arrival, clearly they were occupied with something else.
The first thing I noticed was no loud music, that was unusual, the second unusal thing was that they had a large carrier bag with them and in it were several empty beer cans and other sundry items of rubbish, something odd was clearly going on here. Noticing me standing there the girl I had spoken to previously came over and i noticed this time that rather that wearing her expensive trainers she had on a pair of black knee high boots which were coated almost to the top in thick mud, something odd was clearly going on here.
She then went on to explain that after the last time we met she had indeed gotten in trouble with her parents for getting her trainers dirty and they had been so annoyed at her for leaving rubbish in the field that her father had actually told her to return, with her friends and collect all the rubbish they could find. She then went on to say that at first it had seemed a chore but after a while slipping and sliding in the mud they'd actually began to enjoy what they were doing, none of them had messed about in mud for a long time and they were actually enjoying it, it was a childish thing to do she admitted, but it was an excellent way to relax after a stressful time at school, taking exams and such and as well as helping them unwind, it was actually free!
As we chatted I watched her friends gathering up discarded bottles and cans, in parts the mud was quite deep and she seemed to haave the tallest boots of the group, one girl was attempting to get a number of cans that were in the middle of a fairly large mud patch, now what she didnt know, but I did, was the field had quite a dip in it at that point making the mud quite deep in the middle. She headed off determined to retrieve these cans, dressed in a white T shirt, white leggings and a pair of calf length rubber boots I could see it only ending one way. The mud was soon halfway up her boots yet she carried on, at first she was quite positive in her walking but as it got deeper she slowed and tended to sort of feel her way probing with one booted foot at a time, all the while the mud going further up her boot leg.
It was becoming apparent to me that these young people had never passed this field in winter, or if they did they'd paid no attention to how it looked, due to the dip in the ground it resembled a small lake and I knew from experience that in the middle, the very point she was now approaching, that when in flood the water was a good two feet deep, yet still she plodded through the thick clingy mud.
The mud was barely two inches from the top of her boot when she stopped seeming uncertain as to wether to proceed or not, " go on you can do it, it wont be any deeper" called out one of her friends. Encouraged by this she took a determined step forward and suddenly her boot disappeared beneth the mud, she let out a little squeal of shock as with her legs spread apart she slowly began to slide, it was obvious to everyone that her legs would only spread so far and then she'd fall over, she brought her back leg swiftly forward in an attempt to stop this happening, all this acheived was to sink her other boot below the surface of the mud.
She squealed again, this time accompanied by laughter from her friends, myself and the first girl just stood there silently watching events unfold. she lifted one leg in an attempt to extract her booted foot from the mud, well she managed to extract her foot, her boot however remained stuck fast in the thick brown sticky mud, she lurched forward and her bare foot disappeared below the surface with a loud squelching sound, more giggles from her mates followed.She reahed down into the mud and with some difficulty managed to extract the stuck boot which she held in her hand, then unbelieveably she did something really silly, she pulled her bare foot from the mud and slipped it back into the boot, watching this I was convinced as were her friends that she was going to fall over, this however wasnt the case, boot now firmly back on she stepped forward in a determined manner and as expected, once more her boot disappeared beneath the thick sticky mud. As she raised her other leg the boot seemed stuck so she pulled her foot even harder, the sudden release caused her to fall forward face first into the mud, much to the amusement of her watching friends.
She gasped as the mud soaked into her T and leggings then began to crawl forward until she finally reached the cans which she then threw towards the group, one of the lads picked them up and dropped them into the carrier bag and there were shouts of encouragement as she crawled through the mud back to her mates.
Once at a point where she was able to stand she got to her feet and with mud slopping out of her boots waded back to her friends, "well since i was already filthy I thought I might as well finish the job" she explained, a little smile appearing on her face, then added, "besides, I always wanted to do that, it looked fun, and it was". suddenly one of the other girls yelled out, "hey look down here" and she pointed into the ditch that ran along the edge of the field, running over they all stared into the muddy ditch, myself and the other girl wandered over and strewn across the bottom in the thick mud was a mass of discarded cans and bottles, One of the girls then decided to jump into the ditch, she landed on her feet with a sort of sucking sound as the mud grabbed at her boots, then, sssccchhluuurp, she found herself up to her thighs in the thick mud, it was a pitty her boots were only knee high!
She giggled at this and began to throw the rubbish up the embankment, then another girl jumped in, she too went deep, this time up to her waist, a lad leapt in, he sank, then another, the girl I was chatting to looked at me, clearly feeling she was missing out on the fun, despite the mud they all seemed to be enjoying themselves and to be honest for once I didnt see any harm in it, they weren't damaging anything, they werent annoying anyone and rather than making a mess, they were actually clearing up not only their own discarded rubbish but that left by others, i could hardly complain I suppose.
"go on then, you know you want to" I said to her, she smiled and leapt into the muddy ditch, unfortunately the point where she landed didnt seem as heavy with mud and it slashed upwards as she landed, she was up to her waist in a more sloppy mud and i watched as she sunk deeper, the mud rising up her high waisted jodhpurs until it covered them, but not before it had managed to seep inside the waistband, clearly they werent as tight as they normally are, "ooooh its cold on my bum" she giggled sinking deeper into the mud, she took a step forward and plunged a foot deeper, now standing as she was she looked rather comical, her pert breasts encased in a tight black T resting on the muddy surface!
"dont move, I'll get a rope" I called out, her friends had stopped laughing at her and busied themselves removing the rest of the rubbish from the ditch, by the time I got back from my truck the ditch was clear of rubbish and a couple of them had made their way out, despite the state of them they were laughing madly and it felt good to hear the youngsters enjoying themselves without resorting to drugs or alcohol! I threw the end of the rope down and she grabbed it, I started to pull her out, "oooh no, stop wait, dont" she shouted, it was a mixture of gaiety and nervousness, I stopped pulling, "whats the matter?" I asked, "my jods, they're coming down" she giggled, she plunged her hand into the mud and attempted to yank them back up, "ok pull" she called out, one of the lads grabbed the rope with me and we gave a huge pull, she came out of the mud like a cork from a bottle, "ooooooh nooooo!" she squealed as she staggered up the bank the reason for her squeals were soon apparent, her jods were down to her boot tops!
Everyone burst out laughing at her as she tipped her lodhpurs to remove most of the mud from them, I remember thinking to myself it was a good job she was wearing panties, although they were exposed and covered in mud, they did at least preserve her modesty. "it's a good job nobody has a camera" she giggled, "imagine how this would look next year when we go to uni". "going to university? " I asked, " yes, we've all just finished 6th form and are going to uni in autumn" she explained, they were all standing there covered to varying degrees in mud, some up to their knees, some up to their chests, despite this they all looked thoroughly happy, "ok throw the rubbish in the truck and jump in the back" I told them, they all got in and i drove back to the farm, i drove to the wash bay and opened the tailgate, the group got out and stood in the concrete yard, covered in mud, "ok best clean yourselves up Ithink, theres a hose over there" I said, pointing to a tap on the wall.
It was a warm sunny day and one by one they hosed the mud off their clothes, Abigail and i stood chatting as the others washed themselves off, there were a few wolf whisltles when the girl in white took her turn, she pulled off her boots and hosed them out, then she hosed down her leggings, and as the mud washed off amd they went transparent it was obvious she was wearing coloured panties beneath. when it came to her top half she had no qualms about whipping her top off and rinsing it in a bucket of water,her pert breasts barely contained in the little white bra she was wearing, then to my amazement and despite the fact that there was not only myself, but the other two lads standing there, that came off too and ended up in the bucket of water, eventually she decided they were clean enough and put them back on, the cold water had clearly made her nipples prominent thru her T, Finally it was Abigails turn, now she did amaze me, she removed her boots, then off came her T revealing a nice half cup black bra beneath, before I had time to get used to this, he bent down, undid her jodhpurs and whipped them off, now standing there in only her bra and panties she handed me her jodhpurs, "give them a rinse for me will you" she said as she picked up the hose, held it over her head and began to shower the mud from her body, she played the hose over her breasts splashing the cold water into her bra, if I'd thought her mates nipples were big, these were a lot bigger! As I rinsed her jodhpurs in the bucket she worked her way down her body, when she came to her panties she pulled them out at the back, stuck the hose in and gasped as the cold water flushed out the mud,finally the hose went into the front of her panties and more mud poured down her thighs, finally she was done and i handed back her jodhpurs, they were clean but very wet, "they'll soon dry in this heat" she giggled as she slipped them onto her shapely legs and pulled them up, she gave a little seductive wiggle as she pulled them a little too tightly onto her bottom, this caused them to pull deeply into her crotch, the other effect of this was to cause my penis to twitch in my jeans, I couldnt tell if she was trying to tease or she was just an innocent and didnt realise the effect it had on men. I must admit I had begun to look at her in a totally different light, I rinsed her T in the water and handed it to her, she stood there holding it making no attempt to put it back on.
I pointed to a small outbuilding "if any of you want to pop in there you'll find some tea and coffee and cups to make a drink, there might even be some soft drinks in the fridge too" I said, almost as one the group headed over to the outbuilding to get a drink, Abigail stood there holding her T, and smiled, I dont suppose I can persuade you to run my down to the chippy can I, after all I can hardly walk there like this can I ? " , I couldnt help grinning at her, "well not without your T on I woudn't" I answered, she pulled it on oever her head, it was tight, very tight, making her nipples seem even more prominent, "you think I'd be ok like this then?" she asked, swirling a finger over her tight T aound her left nipple, "well I suppose not, jump in the truck then" I said suddenly realising I had the answer to my earlier question, she wasnt just an innocent young woman after all, this raised another question, was she just a tease, or would this go anywhere? No doubt I'd find out eventually.

To be continued
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Re: down on the farm

Post by kneehigh21 »

Excellent stuff!
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Re: down on the farm

Post by owlman »

When we returned from the chippy her mates had all gone home, I invited her to sit in the 'brew room' with me to eat her chippy dinner, she sat in one of the old arm chairs close to the heater, "ooh my boots are soaking, help me off with them" she sighed placing one of her booted feet on my knee. I felt for a side zip, there wasnt one so i tugged the boot in an attempt to remove it, Abigail moved slightly forward in the chair, "careful, you'll have my jods off at this rate" she giggled, Then added, "or is that part of the plan".
she held onto the waistband of her jods and with a bit of a struggle I eventually managed to remove her boots, I placed them in front of the heater and she drew her legs up under her shapely bum and sighed, "hmmm, it's nice in here, so warm and cosy". We sat and chatted as she ate and then, since my boss was away for a few days I asked her if she'd like to have a look around the farm, I showed her the tractors and other machinery as well as the lab and the private lake, then we took a walk around the back field.
Where the land dipped in the bottom corner there was a large pile of earth and due to all the rain we'd had it was quite soft and muddy, in front of it was a sort of mud lake, the soil was so wet it was like a very thick goo, she dipped the toe of her boot in it and smiled, "hmmm, this looks like it could be fun". I nodded, "I suppose so, but I wouldnt go in its quite deep and you've already gotten muddy once today, " I suppose so" she replied looking a little disappointed.
After a tour of the farm I took her back to the gate, "what time are you here til then?" she asked, "well, normally about five, but sometimes I stay later if I have anything to do" I told her. "oh, and are you working late tonight then?" she enquired, "if so I might pop down and bring you some food" she added, a slight grin on her face. Sensing there may be actually more than food on offer I replied, "well I do have a few things to do, things that can't be done when other staff are on site". "ok half five then" she said with a sort of grin, turned around and headed off down the lane, her pert bottom wiggling in her tight jodhpurs.
Half five came and I waited up by the main gate, she didnt arrive, I waited for about five minutes then just as I was about to walk back to my office I heard a female voice call out, "hey, hold on, I'm coming" I looked up the lane and there she was walking towards me, I did a double take when I saw what she was wearing, she still had the T and jods on, but instead of the knee high boots she was wearing a pair of long black waders, they came right up to her crotch and due to her size I noticed thy rubbed slightly between her thighs, did this have any effect on her I wondered.
"what do you think of these then, mum bought them ages ago but never used them" she said, pointing to one of the long black rubber boots, "well I think you should have had them this morning to be honest" I said, "at least you'd have kept a bit cleaner" she giggled, "true but then again it wouldnt have been as much fun would it, and I think you enjoyed watching me clean off afterwards, didnt you?" I just smiled, i wondered had she noticed the bulge in my jeans when she took her top off!
we walked into the 'brew room' and closed the door, "ooh you brought lots of food I see" I said, noticing the bulging carrier bag in her hand, she placed it on the table and smiled, "not just food, in fact I wanted to ask a favour if its possible" she said as she took a couple of boxes out of the bag, she placed them on the table and opened them, "burgers, I hope you like them" she went on.
We ate the burgers and then remembering what she'd said earlier I decided to remind her of it, "oh by the way Abigail, you wanted to ask me something didnt you? " she grinned a girly grin, "oooh yes, did you say we were alone now? " I nodded, "indeed we are", she smiled, "well in that case I was well sort of wondering, you know that big mud patch you showed me this morning," I nodded, "yes, go on" wondering where this was going. "well, you said it was quite deep, well how deep?" I looked at her and began to wonder if this question had any bearing on the fact she was wearing the waders, "hmmm, well I think its about four feet deep in places if I remember rightly, why do you ask?" she gave me that smile again, "well you must have noticed that I have a thing about playing in mud, and I wondered, since its out of the way and nobody else is around, well could I have a play in that, it did look rather, well, inviting". Before I had chance to reply, she put her hand in the bag and pulled out a couple of bottles of my favourite beer, "now I know that you'd have to come with me, in case I got stuck, so I thought you might like a beer while you keep an eye on me" she giggled, well how could I refuse, "well ok then, but I dont know what your parents will say when you come home covered in mud and all wet" I answered.
"oh thats not going to be a problem I dont think, hold this" she said, pulling a pair of new looking beige jodhpurs out of the bag, "these look new" I said, "they are, but I got the wrong size so never wore them" she told me. Before i could say anything she had taken the waders off and yanked of herjodhpurs, I watched open mouthed as she pulled off her T and then her bra, reaching into the bag she pulled out a pair of tight white spandex cycling shorts, her panties came off next and she slipped the shorts on, god they were tight, I began to feel a familiar bulge growing in my jeans, "pass me the jods then" she giggled, I handed them to her and stood and watched as she struggled to get into them, finally they were on and with a wiggle and a tug of the waistband they were finally on, they bit deeply into her crotch, "I told you they were the wrong size, didnt I " she said, with that girly grin on her face.
She pulled the waders back on,"well shall we? " we headed out of the door and wandered down the field to the mud patch, she dipped the toe of one of her boots into the mud, "oooh its lovely and cool" she giggled, then without further ado stepped into the mud, it squelched and burbled as she went deeper into it, soon it was at mid thigh depth and fairly thick, in her ordinary boots it would have been well over the top, "I'll go in a bit more, see how deep it gets" she called out as she continued on her way, I cracked the top on one of the beers, took a swig and stood watching her.
Before long it was almost to the top of the waders, almost but not quite, I was mesmerised by the site of her shapely little bottom encased in the tight beige jodhpurs, hmmmm.
She was plodding through the mud and I realised what she was doing, trying to find a deeper patch, it didnt look like she was having any success, then without warning she seemed to drop a little, not far but it caused a pool of water to splash onto the crotch of her jodhpurs, "ooooh I've wet my jods" she giggled, "arent I a naughty girl". before I could reply she reached up and pulled off her T, revealing her pert little breasts, "here catch" she yelled, throwing it to me, I caught it and stood holding it in my hand wondering what was coming next, I didnt have to wait long to find out.
she took a handfull of the thick mud and rubbed it slowly into the crotch of her jodhpurs and smiled, then she unzipped them and lowered herself into the mud, I could see it soaking into the front of her tight white shorts, "oooh that feels good" she called out excitedly before standing back up and fastening them again, "just need some rubbing into my bum now" and with that she lurched forward allowing herself to fall into the sticky black mess, more squeals told me she was really enjoying this and to be honest so was I, I'd seen videos of this sort of thing online, but never atually witnessed it in person. "you do realise you'll have to help me get clean later, I hope you dont mind" she called out as she stood up once more and began to massage her pert mud covered breasts, I watched transfixed as she used her thumbs to rub her nipples, I thought they were big earlier under the cold water, that was nothing, right now I could easily have hung my jacket on them.
She waded out into the shallower mud once more and slipped off her boots, pushed them under the surface and slipped her shapely legs back into them, she gasped as the mud seemd to shoot out of the top onto her crotch, "hmmm this is fun, you dont mind keeping an eye on me I hope?" I nodded, "its not a problem, believe me" I replied hardly able to take my eyes off her.
She came almost out of the mud and stood in front of me her back to me as she once more undid her jods, "fancy dropping some mud in there for me?" she asked as she reached round and pulled the seat away from her bottom, I didnt need asking twice and reaching down I grabbed a big handful and dropped it into the back of her jods, "ooooh that was cold" she squealed, I grabbed another handful and dropped that in, then she pulled them up and fastened them, "hmmmmm, theres only one thing would make that feel better, a nice little spanking" she giggled, wiggling her bum invitingly. I pulled her out of the mud and bent her over, before she knew it I was spanking her firm ass, the mud was oozing through the thin jodhpurs onto my hand, well if it was doing that then it must have been oozing into her shorts too. Suddenly she let out a loud moan and went rigid, I stopped spanking at once, "oh no keep going, spank my filthy arse spank me harder, make me dirty my filthy shorts" she yelled in between gasps, I carried on as she'd asked, "ooooh fuck, fuck fuck fuck, I'm cumming" she screamed, then suddenly went limp her knees bent and she sank up to her crotch in the mud.
I paused for a second, then her hand went to her crotch and began to rub it hard, "oh fuck that was so good so very very good" she exclaimed as she stopped rubbing, she held that position for a few minutes, I lit a cigarette and finished my beer transfixed by what i had witnessed.
She got to her feet and rinsed the mud from her hand in one of the pools of water and stepped out of the mud, as it dripped off her body and out of her boots, she reached out and rubbed my crotch, " Hmmm now the question is, do we make a mess in your jeans now, or somewhere else later?" I didnt reply, I simply took her hand and turned to walk back to the farm, she knew where I wanted to make my mess!

To be continued
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Re: down on the farm

Post by SuedeBootLover »

Love this story
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