You may remember me from this thread. well Kind of.
You see, i did not post that thread, instead i am the girl in the thread. I guess an explanation is in order as to what happened and what is new.
I guess i can REALLY introduce myself here, my name is Victoria, i am 28 years old and like the original thread says, i am German national who has been living in the UK for about 5 years now. I work as a software developer.
I am very much into goth (Victorian goth to be exact).
So what happened? well in short, I did this mostly over covid, and the person who i WAS with was happy to act as my sort of PR if you will for posting on this site, as i did not feel comfortable with such interactions. But now i am alone, and it has been 3 years since that post has been made, i have taken the choice to post again, and give updates.
So what has changed? I have lost a LOT of weight and gained a lot of tone, i was never fat to begin with, but about 2 years ago, i picked up pole dancing fitness (this will explain some of the shoes you are about to see), and i have been going 3 times a week every week for 3 years now.
I am 6'2 (189cm), so it was not easy for me, but I have gotten very good at it.
Now, onto what you are here for, the shoes. over the past years, i have spent well over in excess of £6,000 in shoes. not so much quantity, but quality, from top brands like NewRock, Lapdance, Pleaser, Irregular choice and custom designed hand-made lolita shoes.
as well as way over £20,000 in gothic clothes, cosplays, corsets, etc... some of which i assure are unlike anything you have ever seen in your life.
To show all my shoes i own, i am splittig this up into categories:
- cansual shoes
- goth shoes
- hooker (pole dancing) shoes
- lolita shoes
there are sub-categories under each where i will post a shoe, give you examples of me wearing them and tell you about them
I also have some old de-commissioned shoes (they are just old), so any requests can't be using those, but i will point them out.
as for now, here are some preview group shots of each shoe and some of me wearing them.
You can also visit my gallery website where i have 100's of images:
hooker shoes:
goth shoes:
lolita shoes:
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casual shoes: