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Daughters Friends Heels Bombed.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:54 pm
by Replacement
Since my daughter started college last September, I couldnt help but wonder if anything shoe related would ever come of the hundreds of potential new friends she could have? I had all but given up hope until a few weeks ago, she told me that it was one of her college buddies birthdays and they was all going out, which was fine. She then informed me that one of them was 16 and her parents wouldnt want her getting pissed up, so could she bring them all back here to stay the night!? I "reluctantly" accepted and stated that they are all to sleep in her room (upstairs) and no shoes in the house! (theyll all be left downstairs...) She was happy with that and said that there would only be three or four of them anyway... My mouth dried up and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears i was so excited!

And so the night arrived, in anticipation of what could be in store, i had avoided jacking it for a couple of days :wink: and so I returned from work to be greeted by the wife, my daughter plus three young ladies stood around in the living room talking, i poked my head round and said hello (once again, dry mouth and heart pounding...) With the help of the wifes frosty gaze I succeeded in not leering over them and headed upstairs.

Loud music and the sounds of females getting ready to go out had filled the house for hours. I was in the living room when i could here them all coming down the stairs. The anticipation was near damned going to kill me, the wife came in and said that the girls were leaving, so i got up to say goodbye. I stepped out into the hallway to be greeted by my daughter, dressed relatively tastful, the obvious 16 year old behind her wearing a red top, leggings and flat(!? i love flats, but there a time and a place!) shoes :( then beside her was a tall brunette that looked maybe a year or so older than my daughter so about 20ish in a dark blue tight dress and flats again!? :roll: but then, stood beside her, busy trying to take a selfy was a shorter peroxide blonde girl about 20ish again, way to much makeup, big eyelashes, a black and white striped vest, black leggings and... peep toe platform shoe booties on! JACKPOT! fina-fucking-ly i thought. And so they all departed.

They returned at about 3am ( yes i was still awake, sporting a right diamond cutter and testes so tight i thought theyd retracted back up!) I leapt up out of bed, well as much leaping as i could without waking the wife, and snuck to the bedroom door and poked my head out. I could hear hushed speaking and giggling and the sounds of those boots on the laminate wood flooring downstairs. As i heard them coming up the stairs, i darted back to bed and listened for my daughters door to click shut.

Through experience, all previous thoughts of "what if i get caught" seem to count for nothing when its crunch time, so at almost 4am ( it was torture waiting that long) I grabbed my phone and headed out into the hallway. I crept outside my daughters room and listened for any sounds from inside indicating anyone being awake. Silence came the reply (apart from my own deafening heartbeat of course.) So i carefully headed downstairs, to be greeted by a pile of flat shoes thrown to one side, (no pictures of them sorry wasnt thinking straight) and those awe inspiring boots slung in the living room doorway! poor girl must of had to sit on the arm of the chair to take them off ;) behold the results!

Choices Choices. It was either dump it in them, or on them, and as i wanted the best photos i could, i figured bombing the outside of them would work just fine!


Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:28 pm
by phosejones
Awesome story, awesome photos, Well done that man.

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:50 am
by schoolshoes1
Oh my god!!! I fucking love those shoe boots!!! How did they smell and taste???? I take it you cleaned the mess up???

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:12 am
by kotulko

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:25 pm
by italianboots
Nice work, you see her wear them home??

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:03 pm
by Replacement
schoolshoes1 wrote:Oh my god!!! I fucking love those shoe boots!!! How did they smell and taste???? I take it you cleaned the mess up???
yeah for a pair of pretty worn shoes they only smelled very faintly of a sweet perfume and maybe some sort of alchohol she had spilled/ stepped in? the aroma was definately there though, just wish it had been a hell of a lot stronger lol and yeah i spread the load all around the outside of the shoe, it really brought out the marks and wear in the leather which was great, but whilst i did dabble with the thought of leaving the mess to become a huge stain and letting her think she spilled maybe a pint of something on her foot, i decided to clean them up. :(

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:05 pm
by Replacement
italianboots wrote:Nice work, you see her wear them home??
that would of been great, but alas I was out early and by the time id gotten home from work later that evening, they was all long gone. :(

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:25 pm
by zrim
Hot shoes! And what a load, very nice. Do you have pictures of the flats that your daughter wore that night?

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:52 pm
by drmgero
Awesome, man! Need something like this to happen to me!

Re: Topshop Heels Bombed.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:57 pm
by Tiafain789
Wow. Great shots of those slutty shoes. Hopefully your daughter will bring more friends back to your place in the future.