Buffalos on hot girls

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

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Mr. Ugg
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by Mr. Ugg »

Superb!!! Do you have more?
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Hm, same german redhead stars in many of these old pr0ns wearing buffs, strange!

http://xhamster.com/movies/1501552/youn ... doors.html

http://www.vporn.com/female/love-parade ... oods/8234/
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Girl fucked in black buffs:

http://www.tnaflix.com/hardcore-porn/Ba ... ideo284524

Another one from that german redhead, apparently she is called Gabriela Jung:

http://www.xhamster.com/movies/2088368/ ... cameo.html
Mr. Ugg
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Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:12 am

Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by Mr. Ugg »

I hadn"t seen the one with the black buffs before. Thanks!
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by derbasti »

http://www.drtuber.com/video/189571/you ... hot-blonde

Just at the beginning outside in the city - not while fucking.
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Some of Phil Flash's girls again:

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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Posts: 70
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by ragnaroslarsen »

Might have been pasted before, but came across this one of Nikki Sims:

https://www.vporn.com/female/nikki-sims ... sh/1830360
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Re: Buffalos on hot girls

Post by speedie »

These are awesome! Thanks!
Would love to see more!
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